Participant Hassan and his little sister stand outside their home in Afghanistan.
Where we work


In light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis, War Child has scaled up its lifesaving work to protect, educate and provide for more children and families in Afghanistan than ever before. 

Afghanistan is now facing the worst humanitarian crisis it’s ever witnessed. 

The fall of the previous Government in August 2021 led to nearly 700,000 people fleeing their homes in search of safety. Desperate families with nowhere to go are building makeshift shelters, with little access to even the most basic supplies. The demand for lifesaving essentials is vastly exceeding what is available. As of December 2021, a total of 4.3 million people were internally displaced, many with no prospect of returning home. 

War Child remains to deliver lifesaving programmes in Afghanistan. We are independently assessing need, and impartially delivering life-saving assistance to those who need us most, when they need us most. 

Scale of the challenge

  • 12.6 M

    Children in need of humanitarian assistance.

  • 6.3 M

    People internally displaced.

  • 6 M

    Children and adults at risk of acute severe malnutrition.

Our work in Afghanistan

War Child has been in Afghanistan since 2002. We started our work in the city of Herat, in the Western region, implementing food security and livelihoods projects with internally displaced families. In 2007, we expanded to the eastern and central regions to cover three key areas: protection, education, and livelihoods - as well as broader issues like advocacy and gender discrimination. Currently, War Child’s programmes are delivered with partner organisations in the western provinces of Herat, Badghis, Farah, and Ghor.

Jawad smiling in Afghanistan.
At just 15 years old, Ahmad had no choice but to embark on the long and treacherous journey from Afghanistan to Iran in search of work to support his family. Credit: War Child UK.
I like going to school and learning. I want to be a teacher in the future because it will enable me to provide for my family. I will also be able to educate myself and forget the past.
Jawad, Afghanistan.
We won’t stop until every child living through conflict is safe from harm. But we can’t do it without you. 

Donate to War Child today and help us be there for children in Afghanistan and other conflict zones around the world.

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