Needs Study: Impact of War in Gaza on Children with Vulnerabilities and Families
War Child shares first study of psychological impact of war on vulnerable children in Gaza.
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War Child shares first study of psychological impact of war on vulnerable children in Gaza.
In 2023, we reached 361,274 children in some of the most difficult places to operate,including the remoter parts of Western Afghanistan and close to the frontline in Ukraine.
Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) is a modality of aid response, rather than a sector in of itself.
This literature review seeks to understand how climate change is impacting the livelihoods of marginalised groups, using Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Yemen as case studies.
The tech hub approach is derived from a collaboration between WCUK, Humans in the Loop, and FiftyEight in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We believe that no child should be part of war. We are driven by a single goal - ensuring a safe future for every child living through war.
War Child UK (WCUK) is committed to the highest standards of openness, integrity and accountability, as outlined in our Code of Conduct, Safeguarding & Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policies and through signing up to the Core Humanitarian Standards.
This report offers a comprehensive assessment of children's developmental skills and caregiver insights in Jordan and Iraq, providing evidence for the significance of holistic ECD programmes and offering recommendations to guide data-driven decision-making and advocacy at local and global levels.
In 2022 we provided support to over 256,000 children and adults. This is a huge leap from our previous year – in 2021 we reached 140,000 children and adults.
War Child work exclusively to improve the lives of children affected by armed conflict. We protect, educate, and stand up for the rights of children living areas affected by conflict.
This report aims to contribute to closing knowledge gaps and generate high-quality in-depth evidence of children’s rights and well-being in western Afghanistan.
The recruitment of girls and boys by armed forces and armed groups – and their use in hostilities – is one of the most egregious violations against children in armed conflict.