A father walks down the road of the camp he lives in with his family whilst holding his children's hands.
Quality and standards


War Child is committed to being accountable to children, young people, and their communities.

Accountability is central to how we deliver quality programming. 

We are committed to being accountable to children, young people, and their communities. We realise this overarching commitment by aligning and adhering to global standards on, and that which relate to, accountability. 

Humanitarian Principles 

As a humanitarian actor, we uphold the four pillars of principled humanitarian action: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence. 


Minimum Standards 

We seek to systematically deliver quality programmes that adhere to sectoral Minimum Standards such as those developed by The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. 


Core Humanitarian Standard 

We are a member of the Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance and seek to adhere to the nine commitments on quality and accountability, putting communities and people affected by crisis at the centre of our programmes. 

Our accountability to affected populations framework 

In our programmes, we are guided by four key building blocks that form the foundation of our approach to accountability. These essential components are: 

  • Participation and inclusion 
  • Information and communication 
  • Feedback and response 
  • Learning and adaptation 


Safeguarding and preventing of sexual exploitation and abuse 

We have a duty of care to children, vulnerable adults, staff, and volunteers. We are committed to preventing and responding to any form of harm caused by sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment, and bullying. 

Read our safeguarding policy

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Participants in community meeting in the Central African Republic.


Participation is more than just a right. The meaningful participation of children, young people and communities is essential to quality programming and ensuring sustainable change.

Participants hold hands in a circle as they complete activities at a War Child centre in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


War Child is committed to the protection of all children from any form of abuse, neglect or exploitation.